Thursday, May 2, 2013

Zipper Club local fliers!

I've devised another great way that you, gentled reader, can help Brenda and I on our road to making The Zipper Club a sooner reality. The ongoing promotion of our IndieGoGo campaign has entered it's final two weeks and I'm working like the devil to try and see us through to victory.


That's right, folks! We're about to take it old school, posting up a ton of fliers in any business or gathering place that'll allow us to spread the word, and the best part is, I'm making PDF copies available right here, to everyone who might feel like giving a hand to us! I'm doing two versions of the flyer, one with a special message to patrons of my hometown in Louisville Kentucky, and another copy to be posted up anywhere that people can speak and/or read English!

Print off one copy, print off a dozen, print them off until your printer runs out of ink and hit the streets of your town on our behalf! Anywhere that might allow you to tack one up on their walls for a couple weeks! Each flyer comes complete with a pair of bar codes you can scan with your cell phone to make things nice and convenient for passers by. One code leads to our IGG page, the other to our new and growing Facebook fan page. Post them at comic shops, coffee shops, college community boards, children's hospitals, etc. If you can think of a place, I encourage you to print out a copy, take it there, and ask. Worse comes to worse, they'll just say no!

All Over Flyer

Louisville-centric flyer

But that's not the best part!

If and when you get one posted up, get a picture of yourself taken, standing next to it and link us to the picture with your name and the location that was kind enough to let you post it on The Zipper Club Facebook page, or @ me with it on Twitter @LenNWallace. By the end of the campaign, the person who posts up the most fliers and sends us pictures will get a special treat courtesy of Brenda and I. (Haven't decided what yet, but probably some kind of weird piece of original jam art between the two of us...?)

You don't need to be a donor to the project to participate in this endeavor, either. Money can be tight these days and the effort of helping us out from wherever you are is big enough in my book to deserve it's own reward... Although I will say, if you can donate, even a dollar, it'd help tremendously.

Again, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support, past, present, and future. I just know we're going to make this book happen in a big, big way!

Len N. Wallace

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