Thursday, May 6, 2010

Information Dump!

What? You expect a guy like me to have a post title with the word "Dump" and be mature about it?


Anyway, a couple months have passed since I last posted anything of substance here, and I could name off any of the thousand fucking reasons for that, but the cardinal rule of any comic maker worth his salt is "Show, don't tell", so for those of you who like making your little mouses (mice? Is it still that way for computers?) go clicky-click, have I got a blog entry for you!

First off, I know I posted a blog about this right before I went to this thing, but my first ever book signing experience at ACME Comics in Greensboro, NC went off without a hitch.

Next up, not even a month later, I was off to Chicago to sign at the Oni booth with Michelle and Dave in tow. It was a real milestone, as it was our first ever experience actually being in the same physical place together. It was a great feeling to finally have the whole team (minus Mauer, sadly) together for once.

Click here to get a look at more pics from C2E2 on my Flickr!

And last, not least, but most recent, (this past weekend to be exact) Free Comic Book Day brought me back to my hometown of Louisville KY for the first time since the end of 2009 to do a signing with Love Buzz 'sketchbook' artist Dave Tuney at Comic Book World. We even brought my girlfriend!

Click here to get a look at more pics from FCBD on my Flickr!

Also was informed that my recent interview with Paul Aponte went live on their "Indie Spotlight" podcast at their Ideology Of Madness website. Listen to Paul and myself jaw on for a good half-hour about Love Buzz and what other projects I've got coming down the line very soon at the link below. A very fun interview to say the least!

Also, while the gang and I were at C2E2, we did a brief interview with Pants from ComicGeekSpeak just as things were closing down at the show for day two. It's only about five minutes, but it's one of those rare occasions where you'll get to hear me, Michelle, and Dave stutter and "Umm..." our way through a conversation after an exhausting day on the killing floors. 

Team Love Buzz on ComicGeekSpeak! (Look for us at the 59:26 marker!)

My buddy Tony Fleecs, in an effort to blow through his commitments to do hundreds of sketchcards he had commissioned last year after offering them for three bucks a pop, finally sent me one of the ones I'd commissioned. Anyone who's not checked out his auto-bio comic "In My Lifetime" is doing themselves a great disservice. I've said it before, I'll say it again and again until I'm blue in the face,  it's the funniest 32 pages you'll ever read in one sitting. Here's his interpretation of Love Buzz's Maggie Gunther.

That's it for now, I guess. Next week though, come back for a the first part of a long series that will chronicle once and for all, the long, drawn out battle Michelle, Dave, and myself have gone through to put Love Buzz out over the last eight years!


Ashley Stone said...

Hey Len! You should check out my friend Zach's work. He's here in Louisville and I just realized that he draws comics all the time. Just thought you two would get along! ; )

Len N. Wallace said...

Thanks, Ashley. His work looks pretty cool. I may contact him in the not too distant, when I get finished with a few of the projects I've been falling victim too in the couple months.